Text Equivalent - Appendix D

Figure 1. Algorithm for interpretation of T-SPOT®.TB assays

This figure is an algorithm for interpreting T-SPOT. TB results. Additional information is available from the package insert (download from www.oxfordimmunotec.com).

Step 1: Count Nil Control Spots

Where more than 10 spots are seen, the result should be considered "Indeterminate Footnote A".

Step 2: Count Positive Control Spots

The Positive Control spot count should be greater than or equal to 20 or show saturation (too many spots to count). Where the Positive Control spot count is less than 20 spots, the result should be considered 'Indeterminate Footnote A', unless either Panel A or Panel B are 'Reactive' as described in results interpretation (see below), in which case the result is valid.

Step 3: Count Panel A and Panel B Spots

Step 4: Interpret Results

Reactive (Positive) T-SPOT

Non-Reactive (Negative) T-SPOT

Borderline (Indeterminate) Footnote B T-SPOT

Figure 1 - Footnote A
Refer to the T-SPOT®.TB Technical Handbook for possible causes (may be downloaded from Oxford ImmunotecExternal Link). It may be necessary to collect a further sample and re-test the individual.
Figure 1 - Footnote B
Result should be considered in conjunction with all available clinical information. It may be necessary to collect a further sample and re-test the individual.

Refer to the T-SPOT®.TB Technical Handbook for possible causes (download from www.oxfordimmunotec.com). It may be necessary to collect a further sample and re-test the individual.

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