3.25 Students reporting high levels of emotional problems by "How often do you sit down to dinner with your family?", by gender (%)

Figure 3.25 shows the percentage of students reporting high levels of emotional problems based on how often they sit down to eat dinner with their family, by gender. The graph shows that 34% of boys who never sit down to eat dinner with their family report high levels of emotional problems, compared to 32% of boys who do it once or twice per week, 24% of boys who do it 3 or 4 times per week, and 24% of boys who do it 5 or more times per week. On the same question, 54% of girls who never sit down to eat dinner with their family report high levels of emotional problems, compared to 50% of girls who do it once or twice per week, 42% of girls who do it 3 or 4 times per week, and 35% of girls who do it 5 or more times per week.

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