11.3 Students who bully by grade, gender, and frequency (%)

Figure 11.3 shows the percentage of students who bully by grade, gender and frequency. The graph shows that 7% of Grade 7 boys have bullied once or twice, compared to 11% of Grade 7 boys, 13% of Grade 8 boys, 12% of Grade 9 boys, and 14% of Grade 10 boys. 1% of Grade 6 boys bully once or twice a month, compared to 1% of Grade 7 boys, 2% of Grade 8 boys, 2% of Grade 9 boys, and 3% of Grade 10 boys. 1% of Grade 6 boys bully once a week or more, compared to 2% of Grade 7 boys, 3% of Grade 8 boys, 4% of Grade 9 boys, and 4% of Grade 10 boys. On the same question, 5% of Grade 6 girls have bullied once or twice, compared to 6% of Grade 7 girls, 9% of Grade 8 girls, 8% of Grade 9 girls, and 9% of Grade 10 girls. 1% of Grade 6 girls bully once or twice a month, compared to 1% of Grade 7 girls, 1% of Grade 8 girls, 1% of Grade 9 girls, and 1% of Grade 10 girls. 1% of Grade 6 girls bully once a week or more, compared to 1% of Grade 7 girls, 1% of Grade 8 girls, 1% of Grade 9 girls, and 1% of Grade 10 girls.

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