Prevention and Control of Influenza during a Pandemic for All Healthcare Settings

Putting on PPE

  1. Wash hands/perform hand hygiene
  2. Put on gown
    1. Tie neck and waist ties securely.
  3. Put on mask or N95 respirator
    1. Place mask over nose and under chin.
    2. Secure ties, loops or straps.
    3. Mould metal piece to your nose bridge.
    4. For respirators, perform a seal-check.
  4. Put on protective eyewear
    1. Adjust eyewear to fit.
    2. Face shield should fit over brow.
  5. Put on Gloves
    1. Put on gloves, taking care not to tear or puncture the glove.
    2. If a gown is worn, the glove fits over the gown’s cuff.

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