Table 1-2. Incidence rates and number of incident cases of diagnosed diabetes among individuals aged one year and older, by age group and sex, Canada, 2008/09

Table 1-2 shows that over 200,000 Canadians (6.3 new cases per 1,000 individuals) were diagnosed with diabetes for the first time in 2008/09. Males (6.8 new cases per 1,000 individuals) had higher overall incidence rates than females (5.7 new cases per 1,000 individuals). The incidence rates of diabetes rose steeply after age 40 among both sexes, peaking in the 70 to 74 and 75 to 79 year age groups.

Source: Public Health Agency of Canada (July 2011); using 2008/09 data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (Public Health Agency of Canada).

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