Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations in Canada, Week 10 ending March 11, 2017

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Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the Week 10 ending March 11, 2017
Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for Week 10, ending March 11, 2017 (Reporting Week 201710)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A (Uns) Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Entero/Rhino Test Entero/Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 183 0 0 58 58 0 183 32 183 0 3 2 0 0 183 3 183 2 183 2 Not Tested Not Tested
Prince Edward Island 33 0 5 0 5 0 42 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0
Nova Scotia 102 0 0 22 22 3 105 12 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 1 9 2
New Brunswick 313 0 0 88 88 0 313 57 96 0 0 1 0 0 96 3 96 2 96 5 96 2
Atlantic 631 0 5 168 173 3 643 112 291 0 3 3 0 0 291 6 291 4 291 8 108 4
Région Nord-Est 600 0 0 124 124 2 522 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 674 0 0 114 114 14 594 75 101 0 0 3 0 0 105 2 78 4 Not Available Not Available 77 0
Centre-du-Québec 582 0 28 83 111 9 492 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 1265 0 0 152 152 17 1025 107 583 1 7 17 1 0 589 17 522 35 Not Available Not Available 522 38
Ouest du Québec 347 0 0 45 45 2 148 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 261 0 0 31 31 3 224 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 3729 0 28 549 577 47 3005 400 684 1 7 20 1 0 694 19 600 39 Not Available Not Available 599 38
Ottawa P.H.L. 43 1 12 0 13 0 43 13 43 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 41 2 43 1 41 4
CHEO - Ottawa 238 0 0 26 26 3 238 41 30 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 63 1 30 4 30 2
Kingston P.H.L. 31 0 5 0 5 1 29 7 29 0 0 0 0 0 29 1 26 1 29 5 26 1
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 204 0 0 1 1 2 204 8 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 463 0 90 0 90 20 418 19 418 0 3 11 1 0 418 5 407 13 418 42 407 35
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 65 1 14 0 15 0 65 3 65 0 0 1 0 0 65 0 65 1 65 2 65 7
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 23 0 5 0 5 0 23 3 23 0 0 1 0 0 23 1 22 3 23 1 22 0
Timmins P.H.L. 26 0 11 0 11 2 26 3 26 0 1 1 0 0 26 1 26 1 26 0 26 2
St. Joseph's - London 123 0 0 12 12 2 123 2 41 0 0 1 0 0 41 1 41 2 5 0 5 2
London P.H.L. 172 0 16 0 16 10 172 24 172 0 0 6 0 0 172 3 172 11 172 12 172 15
Orillia P.H.L. 110 0 37 0 37 0 107 8 107 0 0 2 0 0 107 2 107 5 107 7 107 5
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 47 0 21 0 21 0 47 10 47 0 1 0 2 0 47 1 47 1 47 4 47 5
Sudbury P.H.L. 51 0 10 1 11 0 51 7 51 0 0 1 1 0 51 0 47 3 51 4 47 4
Hamilton P.H.L. 95 0 11 0 11 4 92 11 92 1 0 3 0 0 92 2 91 9 92 9 91 13
Peterborough P.H.L. 76 0 7 0 7 0 76 12 76 0 0 2 0 0 76 4 75 9 76 6 75 6
Province of Ontario 1767 2 239 40 281 44 1714 171 1230 1 6 30 4 0 1220 21 1240 63 1184 97 1161 101
Manitoba 205 0 6 19 25 9 182 9 34 0 0 2 0 0 34 1 24 3 34 2 24 3
Regina 322 1 24 7 32 4 322 51 322 1 1 11 0 0 322 13 322 11 322 31 322 32
Saskatoon 114 0 0 4 4 4 114 6 114 0 0 1 0 0 114 4 114 4 114 15 114 14
Province of Saskatchewan 436 1 24 11 36 8 436 57 436 1 1 12 0 0 436 17 436 15 436 46 436 46
Province of Alberta 696 1 32 17 50 19 696 37 696 38 0 0 0 0 696 3 696 19 696 65 696 35
Prairies 1337 2 62 47 111 36 1314 103 1166 39 1 14 0 0 1166 21 1156 37 1166 113 1156 84
British Columbia 1080 10 374 13 397 70 1080 65 254 0 1 10 1 0 254 11 254 18 254 40 254 39
Yukon 19 0 2 0 2 2 19 5 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 26 0 5 0 5 0 26 7 26 2 0 0 0 0 26 0 26 0 26 4 26 0
Nunavut 14 0 1 0 1 0 14 1 14 0 0 2 0 0 14 3 13 2 14 8 13 0
Territories 59 0 8 0 8 2 59 13 40 2 0 2 0 0 40 3 39 2 40 12 39 0
CANADA 8603 14 716 817 1547 202 7815 864 3665 43 18 79 6 0 3665 81 3580 163 2935 270 3317 266

Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU

Also available at:

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 28, 2016 - March 11, 2017
Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 28, 2016 - March 11, 2017 (Reporting Weeks 201635-201710)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A (UnS) Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Entero/Rhino Test Entero/Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 2225 0 43 241 284 5 2225 180 2225 0 34 80 0 0 2225 71 2225 33 2225 200 Not Tested
Prince Edward Island 642 2 172 0 174 1 705 86 50 0 0 1 0 0 50 1 50 1 50 7 50 4
Nova Scotia 1692 0 13 273 286 7 1629 204 247 1 4 12 1 0 247 3 247 8 247 32 247 24
New Brunswick 4166 2 85 687 774 4 3832 425 1326 0 1 48 4 0 1344 31 1330 11 1330 95 1318 69
Atlantic 8725 4 313 1201 1518 17 8391 895 3848 1 39 141 5 0 3866 106 3852 53 3852 334 1615 97
Région Nord-Est 5605 0 0 540 540 24 5005 742 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 8939 0 0 1446 1446 48 7372 1003 2626 2 24 58 12 0 2741 110 2109 20 Not Available 2104 24
Centre-du-Québec 8622 0 572 1415 1988 50 7120 1189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 27250 0 54 3611 3666 114 20605 1961 13322 13 105 150 42 0 13618 408 11622 283 Not Available 11357 585
Ouest du Québec 6168 0 0 1032 1032 24 2551 431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 4692 0 1 708 709 21 3898 523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 61276 0 627 8752 9381 281 46551 5849 15948 15 129 208 54 0 16359 518 13731 303 Not Available 13461 609
Ottawa P.H.L. 815 1 157 0 158 2 815 73 815 2 4 20 5 0 815 7 795 29 759 74 738 110
CHEO - Ottawa 5410 0 0 540 540 11 5284 750 597 1 5 2 6 0 596 21 963 34 596 119 596 45
Kingston P.H.L. 1152 0 175 2 177 4 1150 109 1150 2 28 31 3 0 1150 18 1136 26 991 129 971 74
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 6707 0 0 651 651 20 6707 315 313 3 2 3 0 8 0 0 238 4 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 17489 31 4034 12 4077 81 15149 1242 15149 26 127 142 39 0 15149 183 14915 345 12643 984 12347 866
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 1902 1 93 29 123 1 1833 254 1775 2 27 23 19 0 1833 43 1833 54 1833 458 1774 86
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 1945 1 202 34 237 6 1945 88 1945 3 8 10 5 0 1945 0 1945 42 1945 172 1945 85
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 355 0 59 0 59 1 355 36 355 0 2 10 0 0 355 2 349 12 324 24 317 26
Timmins P.H.L. 430 0 60 0 60 6 430 59 430 0 6 18 0 0 430 11 395 12 393 30 358 28
St. Joseph's - London 2565 0 0 356 356 5 2565 259 759 6 10 23 2 0 841 26 778 26 456 90 221 8
London P.H.L. 4316 8 851 7 866 34 4295 580 4295 11 54 94 14 0 4295 79 4250 126 3834 413 3760 383
Orillia P.H.L. 2469 0 447 0 447 12 2465 373 2465 8 34 41 4 0 2465 64 2462 77 2269 237 2264 204
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 864 0 110 0 110 5 864 195 864 1 10 25 8 0 864 15 852 4 736 74 724 39
Sudbury P.H.L. 1046 0 130 9 139 4 1042 106 1043 1 12 35 9 0 1040 21 993 23 934 90 887 67
Hamilton P.H.L. 3036 5 539 3 547 18 3031 377 3031 2 30 50 15 0 3031 60 2978 81 2578 317 2519 225
Peterborough P.H.L. 2253 0 333 0 333 15 2251 291 2251 1 20 33 10 0 2251 40 2209 72 1981 196 1938 157
Province of Ontario 52754 47 7190 1643 8880 225 50181 5107 37237 69 379 560 139 8 37060 590 37091 967 32272 3407 31359 2403
Manitoba 6248 0 122 236 358 38 6135 816 3190 0 9 42 3 0 3190 51 1583 12 3190 282 1583 102
Regina 8795 2 936 109 1047 14 8795 1352 8795 8 11 244 62 0 8795 223 8795 152 8795 1503 8795 692
Saskatoon 4782 0 0 576 576 16 4777 625 1804 2 1 27 24 0 1777 59 1777 18 1777 322 1777 87
Province of Saskatchewan 13577 2 936 685 1623 30 13572 1977 10599 10 12 271 86 0 10572 282 10572 170 10572 1825 10572 779
Province of Alberta 23508 19 3497 124 3640 135 23508 3061 23508 761 0 0 0 0 23508 232 23508 197 23508 2558 23508 650
Prairies 43333 21 4555 1045 5621 203 43215 5854 37297 771 21 313 89 0 37270 565 35663 379 37270 4665 35663 1531
British Columbia 16603 33 3209 1606 4848 323 16603 1613 5495 18 17 210 102 1 5495 80 5495 206 5495 1063 5495 392
Yukon 517 0 162 48 210 4 517 61 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 425 0 57 1 58 3 425 99 425 28 0 0 0 0 425 7 425 0 425 56 425 10
Nunavut 639 0 66 2 68 1 641 119 638 1 24 14 1 0 638 51 616 5 496 123 426 39
Territories 1581 0 285 51 336 8 1583 279 1063 29 24 14 1 0 1063 58 1041 5 921 179 851 49
CANADA 184272 105 16179 14298 30584 1057 166524 19597 100888 903 609 1446 390 9 101113 1917 96873 1913 79810 9648 88444 5081

Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.

Also available at:

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2016-17

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2016-17 - Text Equivalent
Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2016-17
Week Week end ParaInfluenza Adenovirus hMPV Rhinovirus Coronavirus RSV
35 2016-09-03 49 26 11 230 5 25
36 2016-09-10 23 22 5 246 4 18
37 2016-09-17 50 24 2 359 7 29
38 2016-09-24 60 33 5 429 21 31
39 2016-10-01 47 28 3 511 10 35
40 2016-10-09 46 38 7 499 18 41
41 2016-10-15 60 37 5 402 11 47
42 2016-10-22 70 39 7 421 20 71
43 2016-10-29 104 44 4 364 40 72
44 2016-11-05 91 33 10 363 48 125
45 2016-11-12 97 65 19 491 68 182
46 2016-11-19 133 77 15 501 91 225
47 2016-11-26 133 85 20 422 90 375
48 2016-12-03 137 117 29 387 134 478
49 2016-12-10 147 90 28 410 178 667
50 2016-12-17 168 105 60 339 220 819
51 2016-12-24 160 100 70 347 274 1125
52 2016-12-31 173 87 85 232 276 1314
1 2017-01-07 206 101 132 288 416 1632
2 2017-01-14 209 100 150 306 506 1626
3 2017-01-21 154 81 182 229 445 1619
4 2017-01-28 167 99 137 267 375 1623
5 2017-02-04 164 91 135 247 281 1,526
6 2017-02-11 140 88 136 268 381 1,410
7 2017-02-18 144 72 141 273 335 1348
8 2017-02-25 134 76 151 229 255 1198
9 2017-03-04 145 78 201 318 306 1072
10 2017-03-11 146 81 163 270 266 864

Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Canada A% Canada B% At Tests At A% At B% QC Tests QC A% QC B% ON Tests ON A% ON B% Pr Tests Pr A% Pr B% BC Tests BC A% BC B% Terr Tests Terr A% Terr B%
35 2016-09-03 1862 0.11 0.00 79 0.00 0.00 431 0.00 0.00 568 0.18 0.00 616 0.16 0.00 151 0.00 0.00 17 0 0
36 2016-09-10 1630 0.49 0.55 55 0.00 0.00 400 0.25 0.00 481 0.21 0.62 571 0.18 0.70 107 4.67 1.87 16 0 0
37 2016-09-17 2103 0.95 0.14 86 1.16 0.00 467 0.21 0.21 680 0.74 0.29 701 1.28 0.00 143 2.10 0.00 26 3.85 0
38 2016-09-24 2538 1.62 0.12 116 0.86 0.00 579 1.21 0.00 754 1.46 0.13 855 0.70 0.12 190 8.42 0.53 44 0 0
39 2016-10-01 2761 2.03 0.25 132 0.00 0.00 584 0.51 0.17 876 1.94 0.46 886 1.69 0.11 259 7.72 0.39 24 4.17 0
40 2016-10-09 2982 1.78 0.10 111 0.90 0.00 577 0.35 0.00 1016 0.39 0.00 1006 1.19 0.20 244 13.93 0.41 28 0 0
41 2016-10-15 2875 1.43 0.03 85 0.00 0.00 613 0.49 0.00 1039 0.19 0.00 866 1.04 0.12 227 10.57 0.00 45 6.67 0
42 2016-10-22 3457 1.88 0.17 160 0.63 0.00 752 0.66 0.27 1260 1.59 0.09 949 1.26 0.21 296 8.78 0.34 40 2.5 0
43 2016-10-29 3458 2.69 0.06 124 0.81 0.00 734 1.23 0.14 1161 1.03 0.00 1028 3.02 0.10 356 9.55 0.00 55 10.91 0
44 2016-11-05 3891 3.34 0.23 172 1.74 0.58 884 0.90 0.23 1370 1.68 0.15 1070 5.70 0.19 332 6.93 0.60 63 19.05 0
45 2016-11-12 4267 4.29 0.26 171 1.17 0.00 1031 1.75 0.19 1470 2.93 0.14 1162 5.94 0.43 343 13.70 0.58 90 4.44 0
46 2016-11-19 4621 4.22 0.15 230 3.48 0.43 1226 2.85 0.09 1402 2.21 0.14 1360 5.37 0.00 341 7.62 0.59 62 35.48 1.61
47 2016-11-26 4732 5.37 0.19 231 2.60 0.87 1275 3.06 0.31 1306 3.06 0.09 1488 7.06 0.00 378 9.52 0.53 54 51.85 0
48 2016-12-03 5547 6.60 0.13 234 5.56 0.00 1742 3.96 0.23 1351 4.66 0.00 1734 10.50 0.06 418 4.78 0.24 68 27.94 1.47
49 2016-12-10 5932 9.51 0.20 232 3.88 0.86 1779 4.89 0.28 1681 8.39 0.06 1801 14.44 0.22 388 10.82 0.00 51 49.02 0
50 2016-12-17 6868 11.26 0.26 281 4.63 0.00 2069 7.06 0.48 1818 9.90 0.22 2026 15.84 0.15 594 14.65 0.17 80 32.5 0
51 2016-12-24 8102 15.87 0.21 236 2.54 0.42 2438 12.22 0.25 2564 15.87 0.23 2296 19.03 0.04 506 24.11 0.59 62 25.81 0
52 2016-12-31 8461 22.74 0.39 224 7.59 0.00 3232 19.18 0.59 2050 27.22 0.20 2381 22.39 0.38 534 35.02 0.19 40 22.5 0
1 2017-01-07 11778 23.82 0.32 354 16.10 0.00 4175 20.24 0.34 3580 24.41 0.17 2713 23.92 0.48 919 40.15 0.54 37 29.73 0
2 2017-01-14 13577 26.84 0.29 491 16.90 0.00 3950 17.09 0.28 4657 33.26 0.26 2929 19.94 0.20 1450 50.21 0.69 100 25 0
3 2017-01-21 12102 22.90 0.39 510 15.69 0.00 3995 17.67 0.38 3847 27.71 0.18 2424 17.00 0.21 1223 39.17 1.64 103 27.18 0
4 2017-01-28 11367 22.49 0.41 583 22.13 0.34 3927 17.47 0.23 3463 24.60 0.17 2173 18.73 0.69 1111 41.13 1.35 110 23.64 0
5 2017-02-04 10651 23.66 0.58 655 22.44 0.15 4048 20.95 0.35 2763 24.03 0.33 1985 16.02 0.45 1125 46.93 2.49 75 20 1.33
6 2017-02-11 10423 23.35 0.78 679 25.77 0.00 3916 23.70 0.41 2606 22.52 0.81 2034 16.13 0.54 1121 36.31 2.94 67 13.43 0
7 2017-02-18 10199 23.95 0.95 585 30.43 0.34 4337 24.51 0.55 2547 22.07 1.02 1733 14.31 0.98 948 40.40 2.85 49 18.37 2.04
8 2017-02-25 9937 22.75 1.29 681 34.51 0.00 4457 22.55 0.67 2279 21.54 1.18 1635 13.94 1.35 826 34.75 5.69 59 25.42 3.39
9 2017-03-04 9548 20.10 1.67 597 29.98 0.34 3929 17.74 1.09 2398 16.47 1.42 1574 12.64 2.03 993 43.50 4.83 57 29.82 0
10 2017-03-11 8603 18.05 2.35 631 27.42 0.48 3729 15.47 1.26 1767 15.90 2.49 1337 8.30 2.69 1080 37.31 6.48 59 13.56 3.39

Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RSV% At Tests RSV% QC Tests RSV% ON Tests RSV% Pr Tests RSV% BC Tests RSV% Terr Tests RSV%
35 2016-09-03 1861 1.34 80 5.00 432 0.00 569 1.23 612 1.80 151 1.32 17 5.88
36 2016-09-10 1644 1.09 55 1.82 420 0.24 482 1.24 563 1.60 107 0.00 17 5.88
37 2016-09-17 2117 1.37 92 2.17 485 1.03 674 1.19 697 1.15 143 0.70 26 19.23
38 2016-09-24 2509 1.24 84 0.00 586 1.19 752 1.06 852 1.17 190 0.53 44 11.36
39 2016-10-01 2704 1.29 139 0.00 585 0.85 814 1.35 883 1.59 259 1.93 24 0.00
40 2016-10-09 2957 1.39 96 2.09 579 0.35 1011 1.29 999 1.80 244 0.41 28 17.86
41 2016-10-15 2814 1.67 87 0.00 568 0.88 1034 0.58 853 2.46 227 1.76 45 24.44
42 2016-10-22 3357 2.11 163 0.61 677 0.89 1250 1.92 929 2.80 296 1.01 42 26.19
43 2016-10-29 3326 2.16 99 1.01 651 0.77 1158 1.38 1007 4.27 356 0.84 55 7.27
44 2016-11-05 3732 3.35 174 0.57 749 2.40 1361 2.79 1053 5.70 332 2.11 63 1.59
45 2016-11-12 4105 4.43 171 2.34 885 3.28 1455 3.23 1161 7.67 343 1.46 90 8.89
46 2016-11-19 4271 5.27 229 0.44 897 3.01 1395 4.16 1347 9.06 341 3.23 62 9.68
47 2016-11-26 4316 8.69 231 2.60 855 7.25 1297 9.18 1501 11.13 378 4.76 54 5.56
48 2016-12-03 5048 9.47 231 6.06 1264 7.20 1332 8.63 1735 12.62 418 7.89 68 8.82
49 2016-12-10 5440 12.26 231 4.76 1323 8.47 1640 12.50 1807 16.71 388 9.54 51 0.00
50 2016-12-17 6220 13.17 284 7.39 1466 11.32 1767 12.00 2029 16.81 594 12.12 80 8.75
51 2016-12-24 7386 15.23 176 9.66 1809 12.78 2516 14.15 2318 18.72 506 16.01 62 9.68
52 2016-12-31 7383 17.80 214 10.28 2346 14.11 1850 15.62 2399 23.43 534 18.73 40 25.00
1 2017-01-07 10459 15.60 333 11.11 2928 13.39 3528 13.44 2714 20.74 919 17.09 37 24.32
2 2017-01-14 11577 14.05 479 12.32 2633 14.58 3996 11.21 2919 19.29 1450 10.83 100 15.00
3 2017-01-21 10409 15.56 502 12.75 2696 18.99 3462 11.96 2422 19.2 1223 12.18 103 14.56
4 2017-01-28 10220 15.88 579 13.47 3019 18.75 3231 13.18 2170 17 1111 13.95 110 26.36
5 2017-02-04 9344 16.33 666 13.51 2967 17.73 2547 14.25 1964 18.58 1125 14.13 75 30.67
6 2017-02-11 9218 15.3 683 11.27 2844 17.97 2465 14.4 2038 15.65 1121 10.62 67 43.28
7 2017-02-18 8680 15.53 370 26.76 3185 16.48 2398 14.72 1730 15.66 948 8.76 49 34.69
8 2017-02-25 8922 13.43 690 12.75 3564 13.97 2159 13.2 1625 12.55 826 12.23 58 37.93
9 2017-03-04 8692 12.33 610 13.61 3134 13.78 2324 12.05 1574 11.18 993 8.46 57 29.82
10 2017-03-11 7815 11.06 643 17.42 3005 13.31 1714 9.98 1314 7.84 1080 6.02 59 22.03

Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Para% At Tests Para% QC Tests Para% ON Tests Para% Pr Tests Para% BC Tests Para%
35 2016-09-03 1616 3.03 55 5.45 368 1.36 426 2.35 591 4.06 160 4.38
36 2016-09-10 1349 1.70 30 0.00 357 0.00 336 2.98 550 2.00 60 3.33
37 2016-09-17 1751 2.86 59 3.39 379 3.17 520 3.65 682 1.61 87 6.90
38 2016-09-24 2094 2.87 77 2.60 457 3.50 590 3.39 829 1.93 104 4.81
39 2016-10-01 2212 2.12 82 2.44 431 2.55 695 2.73 854 1.29 127 3.15
40 2016-10-09 2385 1.93 89 2.25 383 1.57 807 2.35 958 1.57 120 3.33
41 2016-10-15 2198 2.73 56 3.57 396 2.27 755 4.37 820 1.10 129 3.88
42 2016-10-22 2652 2.64 101 0.99 445 2.47 1020 3.24 893 2.02 158 3.16
43 2016-10-29 2610 3.98 90 6.67 420 3.81 923 4.12 952 3.15 179 7.26
44 2016-11-05 2784 3.27 83 1.20 464 3.88 1098 3.13 950 2.63 169 7.69
45 2016-11-12 3009 3.22 103 3.88 484 2.48 1144 3.85 1029 2.82 170 2.35
46 2016-11-19 3004 4.43 106 11.32 454 2.64 1066 4.97 1170 3.09 178 11.24
47 2016-11-26 3054 4.35 122 5.74 456 3.95 1000 3.80 1273 3.85 184 9.78
48 2016-12-03 3452 3.97 125 10.40 554 1.81 981 4.49 1518 3.62 241 5.81
49 2016-12-10 3710 3.96 128 6.25 546 2.01 1248 4.41 1589 3.52 170 9.41
50 2016-12-17 3973 4.23 142 5.63 604 4.14 1272 4.40 1730 3.53 188 9.04
51 2016-12-24 4413 3.63 114 7.89 555 3.60 1579 2.85 1954 3.43 178 9.55
52 2016-12-31 4389 3.94 113 8.85 639 2.82 1439 3.41 1999 3.60 168 11.31
1 2017-01-07 5881 3.50 144 6.94 778 2.06 2493 3.33 2262 3.71 187 5.88
2 2017-01-14 6770 3.09 191 5.76 775 2.45 3013 2.79 2451 2.41 262 6.49
3 2017-01-21 5946 2.59 166 2.41 771 1.82 2690 1.93 1966 3 277 7.58
4 2017-01-28 5460 3.06 175 6.29 751 3.2 2424 2.1 1755 3.36 266 5.26
5 2017-02-04 4714 3.48 221 7.24 781 1.54 1791 2.51 1609 4.29 266 6.02
6 2017-02-11 4825 2.9 227 2.64 744 1.75 1762 2.27 1684 3.56 354 5.65
7 2017-02-18 4476 3.22 203 1.48 784 1.53 1723 2.79 1414 4.95 313 3.19
8 2017-02-25 4173 3.21 292 4.45 758 2.77 1542 2.14 1301 3.61 234 7.69
9 2017-03-04 4324 3.35 263 5.32 730 2.19 1680 3.51 1349 2.82 261 6.51
10 2017-03-11 3665 3.98 291 2.06 684 4.24 1230 3.33 1166 4.63 253 4.74

Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Adeno% At Tests Adeno% QC Tests Adeno% ON Tests Adeno% Pr Tests Adeno% BC Tests Adeno%
35 2016-09-03 1607 1.62 55 1.82 367 2.45 418 0.96 591 2.03 160 0.00
36 2016-09-10 1371 1.60 32 0.00 377 2.39 336 0.30 550 2.00 60 1.67
37 2016-09-17 1745 1.38 52 7.69 389 1.80 511 0.98 682 1.17 87 0.00
38 2016-09-24 2099 1.57 83 2.41 467 2.36 579 0.17 829 2.17 104 0.96
39 2016-10-01 2212 1.27 82 2.44 441 1.81 685 0.58 854 1.41 127 0.79
40 2016-10-09 2393 1.59 89 1.12 398 2.51 800 1.13 958 1.77 120 0.83
41 2016-10-15 2261 1.64 57 1.75 410 2.68 803 1.00 820 1.95 129 0.78
42 2016-10-22 2662 1.47 102 2.94 463 1.94 1011 0.99 893 1.79 158 0.00
43 2016-10-29 2620 1.68 90 4.44 441 1.81 912 0.88 952 2.52 179 0.00
44 2016-11-05 2786 1.18 85 3.53 476 1.05 1076 1.02 950 1.26 169 1.18
45 2016-11-12 3037 2.14 114 6.14 502 2.79 1144 1.49 1029 1.65 170 1.76
46 2016-11-19 3013 2.56 109 3.70 469 4.69 1058 2.27 1170 2.14 178 0.00
47 2016-11-26 3061 2.78 122 5.74 476 4.20 987 2.74 1273 2.12 184 0.54
48 2016-12-03 3499 3.34 125 4.80 569 5.10 1013 3.26 1518 2.83 241 2.07
49 2016-12-10 3720 2.42 128 4.69 565 6.19 1239 1.78 1589 1.51 170 1.76
50 2016-12-17 3978 2.64 142 4.23 617 4.86 1264 2.37 1730 2.09 188 1.06
51 2016-12-24 4412 2.27 114 6.14 573 3.32 1560 2.24 1954 1.69 178 0.56
52 2016-12-31 4400 1.98 113 4.42 650 5.09 1439 1.67 1999 1.00 168 0.00
1 2017-01-07 5943 1.70 144 2.09 853 5.04 2480 1.53 2262 0.71 187 0.00
2 2017-01-14 6773 1.48 191 2.09 793 3.03 2998 1.20 2451 1.14 262 0.76
3 2017-01-21 5941 1.36 166 1.2 784 3.32 2672 0.97 1966 1.12 277 0.72
4 2017-01-28 5396 1.83 175 1.14 734 2.86 2404 1.83 1728 1.27 266 0.38
5 2017-02-04 4709 1.93 221 2.71 795 3.27 1771 1.92 1609 1.24 266 1.13
6 2017-02-11 4852 1.81 227 1.32 755 2.52 1778 2.14 1684 0.89 354 2.54
7 2017-02-18 4475 1.61 203 1.97 793 2.14 1713 1.93 1414 0.42 313 3.19
8 2017-02-25 4171 1.82 292 0 770 2.47 1528 1.24 1301 1.84 234 5.56
9 2017-03-04 4313 1.81 263 2.66 738 2.03 1661 1.69 1349 1.48 261 1.92
10 2017-03-11 3665 2.21 291 2.06 694 2.74 1220 1.72 1166 1.8 253 4.35

Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests hMPV% At Tests hMPV% QC Tests hMPV% ON Tests hMPV% Pr Tests hMPV% BC Tests hMPV%
35 2016-09-03 1468 0.75 55 0.00 282 0.35 417 1.20 540 0.74 160 0.63
36 2016-09-10 1214 0.41 34 0.00 275 0.73 316 0.32 513 0.39 60 0.00
37 2016-09-17 1616 0.12 59 0.00 300 0.00 502 0.20 645 0.16 87 0.00
38 2016-09-24 1947 0.26 77 1.30 380 0.26 578 0.17 771 0.26 104 0.00
39 2016-10-01 2012 0.15 82 0.00 338 0.00 679 0.44 763 0.00 127 0.00
40 2016-10-09 2243 0.31 89 0.00 329 0.00 786 0.51 891 0.22 120 0.83
41 2016-10-15 2109 0.24 56 1.79 336 0.00 792 0.38 761 0.13 129 0.00
42 2016-10-22 2427 0.29 101 1.98 369 0.00 942 0.21 827 0.36 158 0.00
43 2016-10-29 2447 0.16 90 1.11 358 0.28 894 0.11 883 0.11 179 0.00
44 2016-11-05 2590 0.39 83 0.00 393 1.53 1016 0.20 899 0.22 169 0.00
45 2016-11-12 2876 0.66 103 0.00 417 0.24 1123 1.25 985 0.30 170 0.59
46 2016-11-19 2851 0.53 106 0.00 390 0.00 1045 0.77 1102 0.64 178 0.00
47 2016-11-26 2875 0.70 122 0.82 389 0.51 966 0.62 1195 0.67 184 1.63
48 2016-12-03 3287 0.88 125 0.80 471 0.00 1009 1.39 1409 0.43 241 3.32
49 2016-12-10 3510 0.80 128 0.78 454 0.22 1203 1.33 1526 0.59 170 0.59
50 2016-12-17 3837 1.56 142 0.70 542 2.58 1261 2.22 1667 0.54 188 4.26
51 2016-12-24 4235 1.65 114 0.88 493 2.23 1568 2.17 1849 0.65 178 6.74
52 2016-12-31 4226 2.01 113 3.54 538 1.86 1451 3.65 1925 0.73 168 2.38
1 2017-01-07 5795 2.28 144 2.09 723 3.32 2510 2.95 2214 1.13 187 3.21
2 2017-01-14 6585 2.28 191 1.05 643 2.18 3020 2.88 2393 1.25 262 6.49
3 2017-01-21 5891 3.09 166 2.41 721 3.88 2696 3.86 1955 1.23 277 7.94
4 2017-01-28 5321 2.57 175 0.57 648 3.86 2440 3.16 1703 1.29 266 4.51
5 2017-02-04 4557 2.96 221 3.62 653 3.68 1809 3.82 1562 1.02 266 6.02
6 2017-02-11 4722 2.88 227 1.32 641 3.59 1820 3.35 1626 2.03 354 4.52
7 2017-02-18 4395 3.21 203 1.97 727 2.89 1741 3.39 1372 2.48 313 7.35
8 2017-02-25 4019 3.76 292 2.05 653 3.83 1565 4.41 1229 2.44 234 8.97
9 2017-03-04 4239 4.74 263 1.52 668 4.49 1703 6.34 1303 3.22 261 6.13
10 2017-03-11 3580 4.55 291 1.37 600 6.5 1240 5.08 1156 3.2 253 7.11

Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RhV% At Tests RhV% QC Tests RhV% ON Tests RhV% Pr Tests RhV% BC Tests RhV%
35 2016-09-03 1025 22.44 55 12.73 0 0 212 16.51 591 24.37 160 25.63
36 2016-09-10 857 28.7 34 29.41 0 0 204 16.67 550 33.09 60 21.67
37 2016-09-17 1069 33.58 59 11.86 0 0 227 34.36 682 37.24 87 18.39
38 2016-09-24 1309 32.8 77 19.48 0 0 287 29.97 829 36.07 104 24.04
39 2016-10-01 1374 37.19 82 24.39 0 0 302 40.4 854 36.77 127 39.37
40 2016-10-09 1512 33 89 24.72 0 0 335 36.72 958 31.94 120 36.67
41 2016-10-15 1398 28.76 56 23.21 0 0 360 38.89 820 26.83 129 17.83
42 2016-10-22 1550 27.16 101 21.78 0 0 380 30 893 24.19 158 41.14
43 2016-10-29 1522 23.92 90 18.89 0 0 274 29.56 952 20.38 179 38.55
44 2016-11-05 1624 22.35 83 22.89 0 0 398 22.86 950 20.53 169 32.54
45 2016-11-12 2223 22.09 103 16.5 0 0 850 25.29 1029 17.78 170 35.29
46 2016-11-19 2543 19.7 106 18.87 0 0 1059 20.11 1170 18.03 178 26.4
47 2016-11-26 2585 16.32 122 12.3 0 0 987 18.74 1273 13.35 184 26.63
48 2016-12-03 2893 13.38 125 12.8 0 0 976 15.47 1518 11.73 241 14.11
49 2016-12-10 3135 13.09 128 7.81 0 0 1219 14.36 1589 8.81 170 48.82
50 2016-12-17 3321 10.21 142 7.04 0 0 1224 11.19 1730 8.27 188 22.87
51 2016-12-24 3820 9.09 114 9.65 0 0 1541 9.93 1954 6.4 178 27.53
52 2016-12-31 3719 6.24 113 6.19 0 0 1409 6.32 1999 5.35 168 16.07
1 2017-01-07 5090 5.66 144 5.56 0 0 2480 6.13 2262 4.16 187 16.58
2 2017-01-14 5980 5.12 191 4.19 0 0 2998 5.24 2451 4.28 262 7.25
3 2017-01-21 5157 4.44 166 4.22 0 0 2672 3.78 1966 3.76 277 10.83
4 2017-01-28 4662 5.73 175 4 0 0 2404 4.78 1728 6.48 266 6.77
5 2017-02-04 3892 6.35 221 2.26 0 0 1750 6.34 1609 6.65 266 8.65
6 2017-02-11 4059 6.6 227 3.96 0 0 1740 5.46 1684 7.24 354 9.04
7 2017-02-18 3657 7.47 203 0.99 0 0 1688 7.23 1414 9.05 313 5.11
8 2017-02-25 3366 6.8 292 2.05 0 0 1493 6.63 1301 7.99 234 6.41
9 2017-03-04 3534 9 263 6.08 0 0 1620 8.4 1349 9.27 261 13.03
10 2017-03-11 2935 9.2 291 2.75 0 0 1184 8.19 1166 9.69 253 15.81

Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coro% At Tests Coro% QC Tests Coro% ON Tests Coro% Pr Tests Coro% BC Tests Coro%
35 2016-09-03 1137 0.44 20 0 273 0.37 139 0.00 540 0.56 160 0.63
36 2016-09-10 1038 0.39 9 0 267 0.75 181 0.00 513 0.39 60 0
37 2016-09-17 1255 0.56 15 0 294 0.34 201 0.00 645 0.93 87 0
38 2016-09-24 1546 1.36 24 0 373 0.80 263 2.66 771 1.43 104 0
39 2016-10-01 1536 0.65 33 0 335 0.00 269 0.74 763 1.05 127 0
40 2016-10-09 1669 1.09 25 0 318 1.26 305 1.64 891 0.9 120 0.83
41 2016-10-15 1576 0.7 7 0 329 0.61 333 0.30 761 0.79 129 0
42 2016-10-22 1701 1.18 39 0 360 1.11 304 0.99 827 1.45 158 0.63
43 2016-10-29 1699 2.35 26 0 356 1.40 240 2.92 883 3.06 179 0.56
44 2016-11-05 1853 2.59 29 0 387 5.43 359 0.56 899 2.45 169 1.78
45 2016-11-12 2478 2.74 35 2.86 409 3.67 824 1.58 985 2.44 170 3.53
46 2016-11-19 2740 3.32 42 2.38 376 5.59 1012 2.47 1102 3.18 178 3.37
47 2016-11-26 2762 3.26 44 9.09 382 4.71 938 2.45 1195 3.1 184 3.8
48 2016-12-03 3114 4.3 40 0 459 8.06 933 3.43 1409 4.19 241 2.07
49 2016-12-10 3429 5.19 54 3.7 454 9.69 1196 4.43 1526 4.59 170 4.71
50 2016-12-17 3642 6.04 47 4.26 491 8.15 1212 7.26 1667 4.56 188 5.32
51 2016-12-24 4100 6.68 37 5.41 493 4.46 1510 8.01 1849 5.73 178 10.11
52 2016-12-31 4099 6.73 48 10.42 538 5.02 1389 10.30 1925 4.68 168 4.76
1 2017-01-07 5641 7.37 63 11.11 723 6.09 2437 10.63 2214 4.02 187 8.56
2 2017-01-14 6413 7.89 92 11.96 643 5.75 2947 10.76 2393 4.76 262 8.02
3 2017-01-21 5682 7.83 79 18.99 657 4.11 2638 10.27 1955 5.01 277 9.75
4 2017-01-28 5144 7.29 84 4.76 648 4.78 2354 9.86 1703 4.52 266 11.28
5 2017-02-04 4395 6.39 130 5.38 653 6.74 1737 6.85 1562 4.93 266 12.78
6 2017-02-11 4515 8.44 121 11.57 640 5.63 1720 9.36 1626 7.07 354 14.41
7 2017-02-18 4184 8.01 102 3.92 683 4.39 1675 9.85 1372 7 313 12.78
8 2017-02-25 3768 6.77 130 5.38 653 3.83 1476 6.91 1229 7.57 234 11.11
9 2017-03-04 4011 7.63 132 5.3 668 4.49 1606 9.4 1303 6.6 261 12.26
10 2017-03-11 3317 8.02 108 3.7 599 6.34 1161 8.7 1156 7.27 253 15.02

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